Russian Version (koi8-r)
© 2004, 2005 CHG

XkbInd program
(X Keyboard Extension Indicator) is
a minimal indicator of keyboard layout
(XKB group) for the X Window System; it outputs
information about current
keyboard layout attached to each top-level window
through their captions via prefixes to original title strings.
It also allows to simulate
an independent keyboard layout for each handled window and it
works with most of the window managers, including TWM, MWM
and FVWM.

- XkbInd simulates an independent keyboard layout for each
handled top-level window.
- XkbInd is very light-weighted and uses less than 150 kb
of virtual memory (excluding "shared" of
- XkbInd doesn't grab entries in default color
pallet, doesn't perform any drawing operations itself,
but relies wholly to the window manager.
- XkbInd doesn't occupy any area on the screen, and
outputs all relevant information to window titles.
- XkbInd can be configured to ignore (or accept)
particular windows or applications. This feature is based on
examination of WM_CLASS property. It is possible to use
shell type
wildcards in "accept" and "ignore" lists.
- XkbInd is "true" XKB program, i.e. all
interactions with X-server are carried out through the XKB
extension protocol.
- XkbInd keeps all information about
current keyboard layout
of each handled window at server
side in form of window properties
unlike most of the other similar
programs which keep this data in local storage.
- And the last, XkbInd does only what it says--it is
an indicator. Nothing more.

Firstly, you should download
and unpack distribution archive:
tar xvzf xkbind-<version>.tar.gz
To compile and install XkbInd you should perform the following:
cd xkbind-<version>
make install
For details see INSTALL file.

The program is highly configurable; it accepts many
options most of which can be specified either on the command
line, in the user's or system-wide configuration files.
All these files use standard X resources notation. For details
see the manual page.

The best place to run XkbInd is from ~/.xsession or
Add the line "xkbind" to one of these files just before
"exec" of window manager.
